How to Look After Your Power Tools
If they are cared for properly, power tools will last for many years. These tools will help you with a wide range of projects, from small fixes around the house to larger renovations. When they are taken care of and protected, you will get maximum performance from your tools. Not looking after your tools will very quickly shorten their lifespan, resulting in poor quality work. Poorly maintained tools can also be dangerous, with a bigger risk of parts malfunctioning while the tools are in use. Another issue with poorly cared for tools is that they wear out drill bits very quickly.
You can extend the lifespan of your power tools and get the best results from your projects with a few steps. Keep reading to find out how to protect your tools the right way.
Caring for Your Power Tools
Some tips to keep in mind to properly care for your power tools include the following:
Always follow instructions in user manuals
Manuals are there for a reason. They provide full steps on how to use, clean and protect your tools. They also provide specific instructions for using your tools the right way for each project. Following these instructions will avoid damage or issues caused by tool misuse.
Get your tools serviced
Over time, parts start to move out of alignment. If this happens, you can easily cause damage to the tool, drill bit or material you are drilling. Your instruction manual should give you some guidelines on whether professional service is needed or whether you can service the tools at how. If you are new to using these tools, it is best to get a professional service.
Store tools safely
Your tools should always be kept somewhere dry, clean and free of clutter. Tools need to be in a ventilated space, with no risk of contact with heat or moisture. Failing to store tools properly can lead to problems such as corrosion or electrical issues.
Fix or replace parts when needed
When parts start to wear, they will need to be replaced. Make sure that you check for signs of wear so that you can replace or repair the parts as soon as possible. If you leave worn parts, the tool will lose its power and could be at risk of malfunction.
Lubricate tools frequently
You will need to lubricate tools using the correct oils that are safe for use on drills and other tools. This prevents friction caused by parts moving within the tool, which in turn reduces the risk of over-heating.
Check tool cables often
Check your tool's cables often to see if there are any cuts, worn covers or other signs of wear. Exposed wires are an electrical hazard. You should never use any type of electrical tool if the cable is damaged. This can put you at risk of electrocution and it will damage your tool, too.
Keep blades and other fittings sharpened
Blunt blades put more pressure on the tool. They also reduce precision, and make it harder to get clean holes and cuts. When removing and replacing parts, always ensure that fasteners are tight.
Allow cooling down before using tools
A big cause of tool malfunction and damage is overheating. This happens for a few reasons. One big reason is tools being used before they have had a chance to cool. Make sure that you turn off tools before they overheat.
Clean tool parts thoroughly
Blowing away dust on your tools can blow debris into parts, which increase the chance of corrosion. Use a toothbrush to clean parts of dust, then use a soft cloth to gently clean the tool.
Check batteries often
If you are using a hand-held tool rather than a corded tool, check the batteries often. The last thing you want is batteries running out during drilling. Charge batteries before they are dead. Store them somewhere cool and dry and remember that you cannot repair batteries that have been completely killed.
The simplest way to keep your tools in good shape is to use this checklist as part of a regular routine. When you get into the habit of caring for your power tools, you will have peace of mind knowing that they stay in good working order for many years.